Welcome to the new website!

Welcome to the new website!

Now we again have a website!

Anyone tried to access the old website surely noticed that it’s gone. Long story short, having hentai manga violated guidelines regarding pornographic content being forbidden, and so the old website got shut down.

Now, the new website has a Mangadex domain – Thank you very much for it, Mangadex! – and so now things should be all fine!

The new website is also slightly different from the old, instead of featuring download links like in the past, now we feature links where you can read the manga online!

Please look around and we hope you will enjoy our new website!

Stay safe, stay home, and read lots of manga!

3 thoughts on “Welcome to the new website!

    1. Ah, we’re aware of that, but thank you for telling about it.
      The chapters available there right now, are chapters we already translated (although chapter 1 is colored in this), but if there will be new chapters there, we’ll likely pick those up soon.

  1. Bless you lads. So happy to see that Isekai shota manga still getting translated. How’s progress on it? It looks like the chapter has reached about 20 according to the authors pixiv.

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